Detect whether text is AI or human written
6 reviews

What is GPTZero?

An app that can quickly and efficiently detect whether text is written by a human or by AI like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, etc.

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Maker reviews of GPTZero


Vivienne Chen
2 reviews
There are now many companies that claim to do AI detection, but GPTZero was the first (and honestly, still the best). The GPTZero ML team works tirelessly to find new ways to make sure we can always distinguish between AI writing and human writing.
Alex Cui
2 reviews
GPTZero is upfront about how people should interpret its results and how it works, which is something I appreciate :)
liz roberts
1 review
This is the worst piece of software I have ever come across. This is coming from a Lead Software Developer with a degree in Computer Science working as a programmer for over 25 years. I have been helping a foreign student apply for a University placement in Australia and their advisor ran their application through this piece of software (if you can this software). There were whole paragraphs about their family and personal stories that were coming up as 100% AI written. They asked me to help. Literally I could think of my own sentences, type them in and it would say that they were AI generated. Got news for you. I am a person!!!!!!! Not an AI machine. There are only a limited number of sentences and phrases out there when you are talking about what city a University is in. When I have to spend hours - LITERALLY - having to come up with different variations of what I want to say and you keep saying I am an AI machine then your whole code base and premise is flawed. If I could ban your software I would. That is how bad it is. Hang your heads in shame.
edward tian
1 review
Awesome and handled the job well. Looking forward to the new features they're building out.
6 reviews
good for lazy students
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