At Mozilla, weβre a global community of technologists, thinkers and builders working together to keep the Internet alive and accessible, so people worldwide can be informed contributors and creators of the Web. We believe this act of human collaboration across an open platform is essential to individual growth and our collective future.
Instant Username Search checks the availability of your username on more than 100 social media sites. Results appear instantly while you are typing! Source code is available on GitHub.
SoProSearch allows you to run advanced searches on social media so you can find prospective clients. Do you offer a service to Realtors and want to connect with every Realtor in a given area on Facebook? Now you can! This tool will allow users to prospect on social media without wasting money on advertising. Start social selling today!
Sometimes you want to check some photos of this place someone traveled recently, sometime you need some inspiration, sometimes you want to check photographs taken by a specific camera. Why not do from a Telegram chat window? With the Canister bot you can search Instagram, Flickr, Reddit and Tumblr by tags.