Impala’s Hotel Booking API makes booking a hotel as easy as sending a text message with Twilio or taking a payment with Stripe. Plus, you get rewarded. With every booking you make, you earn up to 15% in seller commission.
Hotel prices tend to change after reservations are made, regardless of how much effort you put in prior to booking. Pruvo is a free, automatic online service that takes an existing hotel reservation from any website, hotel or travel agency, tracks its price 24/7 and alerts the user once there is a better deal for the exact room
Use Unspent to track your spending money and one-off budgets. Designed to be efficient and simple, for those times when full-featured budgeting software is just too much overhead. No bank connections, no charts, no decimal places. Unspent is for people who want to track spending balances, but don't want to overthink it.
The booking system you’ll be happy to stay with. What matters to you and your guests matters to us: attention to detail, exceptional customer service, and value for money. And just like you, we want to make people happy while they’re with us – that’s why we continue to invest in our team and our technology.