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HypeAuditor - Instagram Analytics tool

Gives brands & agencies ways to make budgets work harder
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What do people think of HypeAuditor - Instagram Analytics tool?

The community submitted 63 reviews to tell us what they like about HypeAuditor - Instagram Analytics tool, what HypeAuditor - Instagram Analytics tool can do better, and more.
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4.3/5All time (1 review)
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63 Reviews
Product Launch Enthusiast
2 reviews
I used the free trial of it and it offers some great insights!
Anita Kirkovska
Founder TheShelf. Created 🚀
21 reviews
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Is there any public info that we can read regarding the credibility of the algorithm towards the process of collecting data and its accuracy?

Halyna Tarasenko
Content Marketing/Copywriter
2 reviews
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Instagram marketeers should be more than happy to use a tool like that: fake followers and automated likes, poor reachability - those are valuable data to consider before contacting influencers. Albeit, it took several minutes to analyze one account, I believe the process can be (and will be) accelerated in the future. Also, I would like to see if I can play with data: check certain points for report, compare two or more accounts.

Afanasiy Savvin
16 reviews
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Nice tool for Instagram influencers 'due diligence'.

Project manager
3 reviews
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The agencies still find it difficult to estimate the Return on Investment on an Influencer Marketing Campaign but the Hype Auditor allows to mitigate risks of flashing out budgets on fake followers. Great job!

P.s. please provide a way to download the report.

Victoria Kartunova
CRO expert
1 review
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Very helpful tool

Tanya von Varchmin
I do social media.
2 reviews
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As a social media consultant dealing with bloggers/influencer marketing on the daily basis, for me this kind of tool is truly an amazing asset. I was using some other tools but they were not as convenient and not as accurate. I have been playing with it all day and so far I simply love it.

Ксения Петрова
Monetization product manager
3 reviews
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Good tool

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
Founder of
8 reviews
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Good web, It works great and it is simply to use.

Recommended this product

I am really glad that tool like this exists. Appecite that! :)
