The best alternatives to JournalBook are, Instant 2.0, and REFLECTLY. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed over 10 alternatives below.
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AssemblyAIโ Speech-to-Text API with superhuman accuracy
All your notes, bookmarks, inspiration, articles and images in one single, private place. Just save it, and mymind will magically organize it for you with the help of AI.
Reflectly is a mindfulness app, driven by AI. It uses intelligent questioning, to help users obtain an easy and straightforward way to get the most important thoughts out of their heads, each and every day. Your very own, personal mindfulness companion :)
What's daunting about self-learning is not unknown, but not knowing what's unknown. It's like fumbling in a dark room with a lighter not knowing how big it is. WarmMachine maps domain concepts in machine learning and lights the room up for self-learners.
The ultimate journal to collect your memories and reflect on your life. Created together with well-known psychologists. Start Writing Your Story in Q365 diary!
I spent over 100 hours crafting this Notion journal template with mindfulness and mental wellbeing at heart, and hope it will be a joy for you to write in and look back on every single day โค
StoryOf: interactive question book that helps you to write down your life experience from the first thing that happened in the world when you were born until the dreams of tomorrow. Because we all have a story to tell.
The only journaling app youโll ever need. Automatically track your social media posts, health data, appointments, photos, movies, tv shows, music, books and more, creating the ultimate record of your life.
A simple but powerful app to keep track of your collections. Store your priceless memories, a ranked list of your favorite movies, your proudest collection, or a list of travel goals. Whatever you need to make a list of, Bits & Bobs can help.
For big and small moments. Little victories and things that could have gone better. Track your feelings, how your body feels, and how your energy changes over the day. Store your memories, inspiring quotes, or write away your nerves. It's entirely up to you!
Be the author of your own story & build the habits of your dreams Journal Habit will help you to life the lifestyle you want to live, by reminding you to practice your habits, and letting you write beaufitul journals that reflex your personality.
Sernal is a complete journaling experience with mood-habit-medication-sleep tracking, note-taking, daily motivation, goal board, and the option to express your emotions with a sketch. The app is live on Appstore and Playstore.