Same name, new game! FootballSocial has been repurposed into your friendly football score prediction game. Create mini-leagues and play with friends... can you challenge for the global no.1 spot?
Outplay is a soccer tracker app for iPhone and Apple Watch. Play and track soccer matches and get insights into your performance. ⚽ Track matches on Apple Watch, get insights on iPhone 📣 Share matches ❤️ Apple Health integration 🔒 Designed for privacy
League Tables allows you to follow your favorite soccer teams from the best leagues, all in the same easy-to-use app. With a simple and intuitive UI, it's easier than ever to follow your favorite soccer teams.
SpreadTable groups teams by their points. You can see at a glance how they really stand in comparison to other teams. 👉 tables are always up to date 👉 your favourite team is highlighted throughout the app 👉 many international leagues (I can add more) 👉 supports dark mode 👉 runs on iPhones, iPads and M1 Macs
Swopstakes is an award-winning Australian social sweepstake based on live racing and sports. Prizes on daily games will range from between $5,000 and $25,000 as well as 'Win up to $1 million' games on Thursday night greyhounds and Saturday afternoon gallops.