At Mozilla, we’re a global community of technologists, thinkers and builders working together to keep the Internet alive and accessible, so people worldwide can be informed contributors and creators of the Web. We believe this act of human collaboration across an open platform is essential to individual growth and our collective future.
Career Assist is a group based & hands-on 6-week program to help jumpstart your job search. You'll take part in a series of live workshops and group discussions focused on job-searching. Free to the first 1000 applicants who have lost their job due to COVID19.
Notion is a wonderful tool when it comes to manage productivity systems. One of its use-case that I have found personally helpful is to track my job application and to be always on foot to achieving career goals.
%20 OFF for Hunters! With this template you will no more get lost in lots of applications to track. Simply add a new item when you apply for a job and record it's status along the way. Follow up the ratings and the contacts of the jobs you've applied.
Automates your job search on platform like Linkedin, Indeed and Ziprecruiter. Create your profile, Choose your job search parameters like ( remote, fulltime, salary,.) and apply for 1000's of jobs in single click. Start today 🔥
No need to maintain a messy spreadsheet or document of every job you’re applying to anymore. Just toggle our extension anytime you're on a job posting, and it'll gather the important details like company name, job title, and URL. Review, submit, & you're done!