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The community submitted 8 reviews to tell us what they like about list{a}, what list{a} can do better, and more.
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8 Reviews
Natalia Cebotari
2 reviews
After Linkedin login they asked my permission to make posts and messages on my behalf with no clear reason and then it was a 500 error.
Gaurav Gaur
Thanks Natalia for the alert ! I just tried, it worked for me. Its an automated login workflow for faster sign ups and authenticated users and please be assured that the platform do not intend to breach in your privacy and seek control on your account. As our promise, using the power openweb and hence no use of any third party browser extensions etc.
Prathamalok Debnath

HR & Hiring

1 review
Its really cool to get an AI generated brief summary, for our respective lead, to align precisely. And, having personally using it in day-to-day drill, it can surely be the Next-Gen Tech for the Businesses and the Talent Pool. Kudos to the Team!
Gaurav Gaur
Thanks Pratham! Your inputs will really be helpful as we roll this soft release. The next release will also have refined UI and sharp recommendations.
Sapna Thakur

Community & Support

1 review
Its a great product. We can access the right candidates in market to fill our open positions. Looking forward to work on it..
Gaurav Gaur
Thanks Sapana for your support. This is our soft release to check on initial pulse and gain early feedback. Please watch out this space for next version coming next week.
Mukesh Marwah


1 review
just tested, search works beautifully. still curious on how it works...on the face of it... looks like good engineering and design work
Gaurav Gaur
Thanks Mukesh for your feedback! Would love to connect and share more details. This is a soft release to asses initial pulse. We will rolling out next version in a few days with refined UI and sharp insights at your service. Our promise is that if you prospect is on openweb, the platform has the capability to find them.
Shruti Nair
Talent evangelist
1 review
A game changer for recruiters !
Gaurav Gaur
Thanks Shruti for your feedback. We definitely envision it to be changing game the way people can be searched without worrying about boundaries, features and inflated quotas. While recruiters is one potential customer profile, sales as we say the first cousin could also be a potential use case.
Ranjana Girish
co-founder & CTO
6 reviews
I just tested list{a} search and bulk add functionalities were impressively fast and accurate. Additionally, I'm quite curious about the SWOT analysis in the insights section. is that AI generated from profile data ?
Daniel Zaitzow


178 reviews
Congrats on the launch!! I really love these types of tools and having been in recruitment for years, I know the struggle of hunting down that top talent. Similar to @gusoliveira_ 's question. What does the roadmap look like for CRM integration and are there specific systems that you'll be prioritizing support for? I see that you've got Integrations / API based usage but for us non technical folks I'm curious what that will look like. Beyond that would you be able to compare this to a tool like Zoominfo and make the case for your software?
Unknown User
32 reviews
Really nice product to do recruiting sourcing. In terms of prospects sourcing I would love to see the platform as a pop-up window on the LinkedIn page itself. Avoiding jumping from one page to another will complicate things. Just considering salespeople are dealing with tools like CRMs, Calling tools, Social networks, other prospecting tools, slack, etc..