Mark Copy

Mark Copy

Write marketing content 3x faster
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What do people think of Mark Copy?

The community submitted 28 reviews to tell us what they like about Mark Copy, what Mark Copy can do better, and more.
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4.8/5All time (28 reviews)
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28 Reviews
Review of Mark Copy
Verry nice tool, i just love it !!!

Tell Me Yoga
Prof de yoga
1 review
Review of Mark Copy
I used to spend hours, even days, on writing my articles in the field of yoga. Mark Copy has enabled me to do this in a very short time, all without plagiarism and with efficiency. I also use it for my social media posts, for writing emails. It's simple, I can't do without it anymore, it's so easy and saves me a lot of time
Thanks so much for sharing your story @tmy_betty ! That's exactly why we're working hard to develop Mark 🥰

Marvin Offers
Building stuff!
6 reviews
Review of Mark Copy
Good job Kilian!

Mounir Nejjai
Hey there, founder of cezium! 🚀
2 reviews
Review of Mark Copy
Quite impressed with the results. If there was just an improvement to be made it would be to be able to select a tone (ironic, serious, ...)
@mounir_nejjai maybe in a next release 👀

Dagobert Renouf
My wife is my cofounder, let's go!
54 reviews
Review of Mark Copy
Very simple yet powerful way to write SEO optimized content. Impressed by how fast the team improves it based on feedback.
Lucie Marcolongo
@dagobert_renouf thank you so much for your support 🙏

Rémi Caussin
1 review
Review of Mark Copy
I was surprised to see how it is easy to use. And it helps me reduce the time I spend to writte my articles !
Lucie Marcolongo
@remi_caussin thank you so much ! Glad it can help you increase your productivity 🚀

Thibault DUCROT
Very curious about everything,
1 review
Review of Mark Copy
I like it ! I'm winning Time Every day with it. Easy to use and very important for my cold email and LinkedIn post !
Thank you so much @thibault_ducrot for sharing your insight. We're glad you love it ! 🥰

Association EspaceDeLumiere
Magnétiseuse et formations Reiki Usui
1 review
Review of Mark Copy
J'ai fait l'essai pendant 7 jours comme pour d'autres .ai - C'est celle que je préfère car en entrainée en français (pas de phrase bizarre); facile à prendre en main, crée un contenu unique rapidement sans être de la reformulation d'autres sites. Cependant, en croissance, j'espère d'autres options pour le futur. Je fais confiance. d'ailleurs j'envisage de m'y inscrire rapidement; Je crée mon nouveau site et après j'y vais.
Merci pour les encouragements @association_espacedelumiere, nous travaillons en continu à l'amélioration de notre produit, n'hésitez pas à nous faire remonter les features dont vous auriez besoin 💙

Corentin Marques
CEO of the SEO
1 review
Definitely my best friend for writing my SEO blog

Review of Mark Copy
MarkCopy, "Mark" for for those in the know, is a Game Changer. Despite the product being really relevent for a lot of purposes, as all the other comments can testimony, it's also an incredible team. They have great customer support, a srong community on the made and a beautiful mission. Keep going guys !
Thanks so much @arthur_tanto, it means a lot !