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    Mermaid Whiteboard
    The Mermaid Whiteboard combines the power of Mermaid JS with the familiar drag-and-drop GUI of traditional diagramming tools. Create diagrams quickly with Mermaid AI, then easily move, resize and adjust your nodes on the whiteboard.
    Farooq (SF Ali) Zafar
    Lynn Wallenstein
    Mermaid Chart

    Mermaid Chart

    A smarter way to create diagrams
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    What do people think of Mermaid Chart?

    The community submitted 44 reviews to tell us what they like about Mermaid Chart, what Mermaid Chart can do better, and more.
    What do you think about Mermaid Chart?
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    4.8/5All time (44 reviews)
    Recently (33 reviews)
    44 Reviews
    Sobuj Khan

    Sales at WANTD

    11 reviews
    I am beginner so I don't comment it
    Eugene K
    Eugene K
    4 reviews
    I like it, I use it for BA activities very well
    Andrew Sheves
    I make data-driven risk management tools
    1 review
    I've found Mermaid to be a great tool for putting diagrams into GitHub - it only takes a few minutes to learn the syntax and the docs are really clear.
    Arun Jishnu
    1 review
    Very useful while designing the system.
    Simple, effective, elegant. Good stuff
    Nicolai Habla
    Curious ape who loves to code and design
    1 review
    An amazingly good and simple product. I use it all the time at work to create Sequence Diagrams to align with customers and internally with the tech team. It's like writing pseudo code but with the added benefit of it creating visuals for you. Big fan!
    Robin Shaw
    Co-founder of iiNDYVERSE
    2 reviews
    Amazing and simple. I love the interface and coding style logic!
    ping li
    ping li


    1 review
    It is a great tool that improves my work efficiency
    Basil Buwalda
    1 review
    Very useful, and we has been crucial to our product development
    Vinod NSWS

    Founder & Leadership

    1 review
    True potential of AI leveraged fantastically!