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  3.  → Alternatives
The best alternatives to Million Dollar Map are Plant My Forest, TopOfTheCoins, and Bidboard. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed over 10 alternatives below.
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Best alternatives to Million Dollar Map
  • Hi,👋My name is Paul. I’m 23 y.o. and I’m happy to present you Plant My Forest. On Plantmyforest.com, you plant your forest and it will be planted in real life.

  • Is this The MillionDollarHomepage of the crypto era? Tell the world something using an Ethereum transfer. #Crypto #Ethereum

  • Promote your startup on a digital billboard. Out bid other people and get featured on the billboard the next day. The top 3 bidders of each day will get their product ad featured on the billboard the following day for 24 hours.

  • Million Dollar Metropolis is a unique 3D advertising platform built for the modern web. Look around and take in bright lights or opt to buy a futuristic ad in the city for all to see. It was inspired by the original Million Dollar Homepage project from 2005.

  • Finally a dope modern version of the internet classic 'Million Dollar Homepage'

  • Want to be richer than anyone? Just pay more than the current leader.

  • Put the country quiz directly on the Homescreen of your iPhone or iPad and practice over 150 countries each day. Also a beautiful dark mode is included, which rounds off the minimalist design and its pure look.

  • New version of the MillionDollarHomepage with using ETH 💎

  • 1 pixel = 1 USD 1 Mio. pixels sold as 10x10 pixel blocks Pixel blocks can be replaced by an image and a link. If you own adjacent pixelblocks, you can upload larger images. We hope you like it.

  • Adlandis is a fun tile-based strategy game where you can promote your business. You can create your own kingdom with your own flag, build houses and trees, and attack neighbouring kingdoms!

  • GeoGuesser is a online game to test your knowledge of the world; it instructs you to pinpoint, the locations depicted in the images from Google maps. GTA GeoGuesser works on a similar principle, except that instead of real locations, you get GTA V locations.

  • You buy pixels (0.005ETH for a random number of pixels ranging from 1 to 100), and get an ETH airdrop after the grid is sold as a NFT, depending on how many pixels you got (the more the better).