Sorry but this is nothing special it is more shoot-in-the-dark prompts based on what you hope the AI will get correct. AI has no access to actual numbers. Ask for low-competition keywords and what you get is a guess. Even with web access, it has no access to that data. COVID caused a massive shift in consumer expectations, and we are in a different type of recession with the war also happening. AI's training stopped in 2020. The buyer persona it is using are wrong. The buyer's journeys are wrong. Spending habits have changed. Expectations are different. Consumer trust in brands is at a low point. So we create prompts that use the same old info that creates the same boring results. Im not knocking you; Im just stating the truth.
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The typical e-commerce seller cannot tell you a thing about their buyer personas, usp, or know the difference between a feature or benefit, so that leaves a huge market for you because anything is better than the crap they are using now. Ive tried your system and tested many prompts and honestly am not impressed by the results, however, Im also an e-commerce consultant with 24 years of experience and am really particular. Your output is better than what the average seller is using so it should produce results, although based on my reasoning mentioned above, I think it misses the mark. Most sellers haven't been through a recession and we've never had the likes of the current events. Business as usual isn't working for most, maybe this will be the bump some need. Good Luck!