In our company we had the chance to inspect thousands of CV's of job applicants. Unfortunately, most of them were not well designed and without any logical structure. Well, we don't want to be unfair, some of them were really enjoyable. But those were only about 10% of the resumes we received. The classical way to write a resume was to use Microsoft Word templates.
Create an eye catching resume in minutes, then go land the job you've been dreaming of. Just select from our range of templates, fill in your deets, and you're done!
Save time and effort with, the best professional resume maker & CV builder online. Impress recruiters with a modern PDF resume template and get the job you want.
Customize your resume for specific job requirements instantly with AI and increase the response rate from the recruiters. Use a simple 3 step process to create a custom CV for every job you apply.
Back then, I faced some difficulties during my job search. The most annoying one is getting a good CV builder that doesn't charge you after 2 hours of using it. I decided to make my own in case I need it one day. For now, try it out & see if it works for you.