Accurately produce tints (lighter variants) and shades (darker variants) of a given hex color in 10% increments. It's best used when you already have a base color palette but would like some complimentary colors for gradients, borders, backgrounds, shadows or other elements. Simple, precise, and open source.
Pastel is an app for amateur developers & artists that lets you capture, collect, and build up a library of color palettes to use in your projects, and offers rich drag & drop support to share them with other apps.
Colorgizes is a color tool powered by Alphabag. It is designed for layman use for building color palettes. People can manage their color palettes on the mobile with simple steps.
Recently there's been a trend of using "ugly" colors to stand out (like the dropbox redesign) This color scheme generator formalizes the process by analyzing popular color combinations hint: Click the popsicle to generate traditionally pleasing colors instead
Creating a nice looking SVG Color Matrix filter is tricky. This free web-app helps you easily create the right color matrix for your picture. Add contrast, brightness, hue, and saturation filters or adjust one or multiple matrix values simultaneously.
An easy-to-use tool that includes color systems and palettes from famous tech companies, such as Apple HIG, Google Material Design, Microsoft Fluent Design and more, which supports long press to copy HEX and RGB values.