Forgot I signed up for this, until I had an email asking me to review it. Went in to try and use it. Couldn't make head nor tale of how it was supposed to work. I found the habits I'd originally set up. But then couldn't tell if I was adding an instance of completing it or not. On one Habit I could select a day, which I think was adding to the instance of it. But on another Habit I couldn't select a day. I faffed around for a minute trying to give it a shot, but I don't have the patience for trying to work it out any further, so have deleted it. It didn't seem really gamified to me either. Like, what's the reward for completing your Habit that day? It needs to be more intuitive imo. And you can't seem to go back in and add previous days. Which for anyone with ADHD who probably won't update on time, seems kind of punishing. That really annoyed me. And yeah, since the author wanted reviews, I even went ahead and created an account here, just to leave a review. This is how much this app frustrated me with it's opaqueness.
Edit: Since I'm being kinda harsh, I'll give you some examples. On one Habit, when I select the day, it has dashes around the day, like a border, and the monthly tracker below seems to indicate that the Habit has been completed. But on another Habit when I select the day, the day turns green instead of having the dashes border around it. So now I have no idea which of those means I've selected that day.
That monthly tracker below needs to be expanded, as there are too many months in too short a space. There should be a way to "zoom in", and just see what days I've logged a Habit on just for that month. I don't need to see that I haven't logged any habits in June, when I'm only in January. I don't care about far away June, I care about now. I have ADHD, the future is too nebulous and far away for my brain to be bothered with. Not to mention, it seems depressing to see how much "work" I have to do to fill up the blank spaces to get to June. I tried clicking on this section, and pinching it, but that didn't seem to change the timeframe I could see.
I found it really cluttering on the screen to be constantly reminded I needed to upgrade to Pro. Any Pro features should be hidden for Free users, and only appear for the Pro users. Having multiple boxes sat there, cluttering up my screen telling me to upgrade, reminds me of those websites with an ad every few paragraphs. The UX is dismal because of this.
Now maybe a middle aged woman with ADHD, from the UK, who doesn't code; is not your target demographic. But if you're hoping for mass appeal, I just don't think it's easy or fun enough to use.
Anyway, feel free to ignore me. If it works for you to help you achieve your habits, that's really the only consideration.
Polar Habits