What do people think of Ponicode Dogstring - Documentation tool?
The community submitted 42 reviews to tell
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What do you think about Ponicode Dogstring - Documentation tool?
Great job !
Does read python typehint's ?
Also, a great next feature would be automatically generating the list of parameters with the Sphynx format: https://sphinx-rtd-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docstrings.html
Great stuff - I use it systematically for old or undocumented repos when passing work to new coworkers, or when they return the favour 🤓
Impressed by the accuracy of the docstrings generated by my obscure funcs and params names
Can't wait for a JS version
Thanks to the Ponicode team for this new amazing product ! It still a beta and it will improve a lot, but it's already a breakdown for AI in code !
Great work :)