

An all-in-one SEO toolset
3 reviews1 shoutout

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What do people think of Positional?

The community submitted 3 reviews to tell us what they like about Positional, what Positional can do better, and more.

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Shane Godek
1 review
Very easy to use tool with a great team behind it. Unlike other SEO-focused tools, I found Positional helpful both when brainstorming ideas and then when scoping out the creation of content. Built by experts, it's very accessible for folks looking for something that'll help them launch their first SEO-focused growth strategy.
1 review
Easy to use tool & best support provided by Nate! A 5-star product!
Brent Rangen
1 review
Nate and the team provide the best customer service. Being they are building the product, true experts and truly good humans, this product will do nothing but get better and better. Upon first use, I knew it was different. Where most tools have feature bloat, positional comes at it from a more practical manner. Content and AI merge in the software beautifully. Great product! Great team!