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  • Puzzle

    Smarter accounting software designed for startups
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    What do people think of Puzzle?

    The community submitted 47 reviews to tell us what they like about Puzzle, what Puzzle can do better, and more.
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    4.9/5All time (45 reviews)
    Recently (1 review)
    47 Reviews
    Founder (AI + Productivity)
    3 reviews
    Finally, a beautiful accounting software that made organizing, categorizing, and financial planning less of a pain. I used to have a QuickBooks account for each of my businesses. It was clunky, but I didn't know we have better options until Puzzle. My favorite feature is the clear visualization of runway, plus the onboarding support from a startup CPA. He got my questions clarified swiftly. The CX itself made the product worth trying. I have enabled their AI autopilot, which helps flagging new transactions that they haven't seen before, and I can just reply with the category over email. Haven't used that enough to know whether it's useful or gimmicky. I have hopes!
    Arndt Voges
    Co-founder of Learn.xyz
    3 reviews
    We switched over from Pilot/Quickbooks (don't sign with Pilot, trust me) to Puzzle, which means going from a total sh*tshow to a world where I actually look forward to doing all my simple startup accounting myself. The team has been incredible.
    Alan Mwangi


    3 reviews
    @sasha_orloff and team Puzzle 🧩 is such a power boost for founders - especially those of us commercial founders with non-existent accounting expertise 😅 Nothing makes me happier than seeing revenue roll in - but that would quickly disappear when I'd remember the excess tabs of spreadsheets waiting for me to close books at the end of the month 🤯 The ability to understand my metrics and real-time financial health at a glance - as well as share that with investors, auditors, or our team internally - is quite literally a game-changer. 🚀 Founders, this ones for us!!!
    Ian Sims
    Ian Sims
    Finance and business operations leader
    1 review
    There’s a ton to like about Puzzle, but perhaps nothing greater than how it becomes an instant decoder ring for your financials. Founders don’t have to time to learn how to reconcile a cash flow statement to an income statement. Puzzle makes what should be immediately obvious, obvious: “how much cash did I take in, how much went out, and where did it go?” The way we present key financial metrics and the tools we use to assemble them needed a kick in the pants, and Puzzle just delivered.
    Tony Xiao
    Tony Xiao
    Product Guy
    4 reviews
    It's ridiculous that we are building toward general AI yet can't even get real time financials - about time this changes. We all know Quickbooks sucks, but unseating them from their throne is another story, and can't think of a better team to do it than Sasha and the Puzzle team. Go team!
    Varun Anand
    2 reviews
    Huge congrats to @sashaorloff and the rest of the Puzzle team! Puzzle is a magical product and this is a huge problem space so I'm psyched to see what you build.
    Jeff Lui
    Jeff Lui
    Finance exec
    1 review
    Former Quickbooks/Pilot customer here. Wish Puzzle had existed back then! Real time reporting/insights with this level of traceability is an absolute game changer for startups. It's been incredible to see how quickly the product has developed over the last couple of years. Big congrats to @sashaorloff and the whole Puzzle team on this broader launch!
    John Cwikla
    Beep. Boop.
    1 review
    I've always wanted real time financial information. So we built it.
    Erik Torenberg
    Co-founder On Deck & Village Global
    3 reviews
    Congrats @sashaorloff and team! Proud to be supporting in a small way. You've been such a champion for founders the last few years -- to that end, can you give the PH community an insight into how you navigated the idea maze with Puzzle early on?
    Kai Moon
    Kai Moon
    Director of Customer Success @ Fondo
    1 review
    Such a smooth experience! Love using Puzzle.