I'm a Qoin user from China and really like your product. Because of it I decided to start trace money and make a budget plan now (decided many times before but didn't find any app satisfied my demand and aesthetic).
During my two days of experiencing, I found these points about the user experience that may be enhanced in the future.
- "Edit Budget" page:
- - I can only create categories in "Favorite Categories" but cannot edit or remove what I created. If I want to do this I have to pretend to add a money trace record in the index page and seize the chance to go to the category list and go to that self-created category item.
- - There is no need to click the "save" button in the right top corner when I have changed some budget configuration items.
- "Index" page:
- - Swipe up to add a record is very cool and fresh. I really like this action but sometimes it can cause me mis-swipe the touch bar in my iPhone Xs so the app is sent back to the background.
- - The little bar under the budget name at the top center of the page should not be like a progress bar, it should be like a switch bar. I think it is a visual logical misleading.
- Interaction
- - It's better to let the page position reactive to the finger position in real-time when slide to switch between different pages.
Really like the simple and elegant UI in the App! I will write some points about functions in the future days.