At Mozilla, we’re a global community of technologists, thinkers and builders working together to keep the Internet alive and accessible, so people worldwide can be informed contributors and creators of the Web. We believe this act of human collaboration across an open platform is essential to individual growth and our collective future.
Reclaim your productivity by blocking distracting sites and applications, like Facebook and Fortnite. Stay on task and in flow to accomplish your best work!
Just Focus is a free chrome extension that helps you avoid distractions and enables you to focus on your real work. Simply add a website to your block list and hit "Start Focusing" –– you’ll increase your working efficiency and get more done. We waste hours a day scrolling through social media. Just Focus helps you get your time back.
SelfControl is a free Mac app that helps you avoid distracting websites. Block your own access to websites or mail servers for a pre-set length of time.
Quiet is a content blocker for Safari on iPhone, iPad, and Mac that will not only give you peace of mind when you and your family are browsing the internet, but also block out all of the unwanted distractions when you need it most.
Say is the simplest social network ever made !Usual social networks are too addictive.with Say no images no videos no likes no following no followers no ads, no suggestion algorithms no addiction no access to your phone resources.