R4P Customer Catcher

Create a presentation link directly from Email and LinkedIn
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What do people think of R4P Customer Catcher?

The community submitted 4 reviews to tell us what they like about R4P Customer Catcher, what R4P Customer Catcher can do better, and more.
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4 Reviews
I`m sels manager from Ukrane IT company
1 review
This extension would realy healp me to optimize my work and make more profit with less time!
Svetlana Bulega
Michailo, thanks for the review! 🐱

Natalka Chekh
Content Creator from Ukraine
2 reviews
I've used Roi4Presenter before and thanks to its integration with HubSpot was able to create personalized presentation links for email. But with this update it's even more simple and available from LinkedIn and Gmail interfaces. The app had already saved me a great deal of time, and probably will save even more now 🤓

Nico Spijker

Marketing at Bash

82 reviews

Gitta Boros
Business student in digital marketing
121 reviews