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  • Revealbot

    The ad automation tool
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    What do people think of Revealbot?

    The community submitted 28 reviews to tell us what they like about Revealbot, what Revealbot can do better, and more.
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    28 Reviews
    Gary O'Toole
    Growth Hacker/Strategist
    4 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Revealbot

    Great product - the bonus is Reveal autoboosts Facebook posts from fanpages as well!

    Adelina Munirova
    Thanks for your feedback, Gary! 🙌
    REMY -
    REMY -
    2 reviews
    Does not recommend this product
    I don't recommend Revalbot now, for a simple reason. Facebook now is very abusive and ban lot of people from ad account or business manager (thanks to facebook I.A and lot of problem this year.) and the problem ? Revealbot don't accept you or spam you if you have one ad accout or a business account locked from facebook. So you pay, but you can"t use new ad account because you have some ad accounts disabled on your business manager, this is crazy for a tool that need to help you into your ad account. I don't know how revealbot will manage this but if they want to only accept people with no ad account lock, i think this is the end of revealbot as well. Competitors don't take care of Business manager or ad account lock also..
    Adelina Munirova
    Thanks for your feedback, Remy! As a Facebook Marketing Partner, we're obliged to monitor our users' activity in terms of ads policies compliance. So we review each ad account that users connect to us and we look at the bigger picture as well, meaning all the other ad accounts that users do not request the review for. If the user has more disabled ad accounts than 'good' ones it implies a big risk that the other ad accounts may be disabled too and we can not let ourselves be associated with those as it affects our app's score. That's why we have to decline such ad accounts. Thanks for understanding! 🙏🏻
    Kevin Littler
    7 reviews
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    Olga Zykina
    1 review
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    Ksenia Mikhailova
    CMO at Boompublic
    2 reviews
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    Mike Karloff
    Resonance Software, COO
    2 reviews
    Recommended this product

    Super useful for post-boost automation. Sit back and let Reveal do what it needs to do!

    Adelina Munirova
    Thank you for your feedback, Mike! 🙌
    Project Lead at GoPractice! Simulator
    2 reviews
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    Looks like a perfect tool to automate my Snapchat ads! Way to go, guys.
    Adelina Munirova
    Hey Nataliya, thanks for your feedback! We really appreciate that 🙏🏻
    Kevin Littler
    7 reviews
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    Almas Sayyed
    A Digital marketing enthusiast
    4 reviews
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    Review of Revealbot
    Systems automation engineer
    10 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Looks great, thank you!
    Adelina Munirova
    We really appreciate your feedback, thanks a lot! 🙏🏻