ScamNet: Anti-Scam App

ScamNet: Anti-Scam App

Shields you from scams with AI
4 reviews

What is ScamNet: Anti-Scam App?

Shields you from scams proactively and enables you to check for scam indicators. Shields: • Identifies likely scam and legitimate calls in addition to blocking scam calls • Filters scam SMSes with an intelligent offline engine that never misses • Blocks scam websites and notifies if you visit a likely scam website • Blocks security threats, ads and trackers using NextDNS A whole lot more for a comprehensive scam protection!

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5/5 based on 4 reviews
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Mohan Saravanan
1 review
Let's spread the word and make sure everyone knows about this invaluable tool in the battle against scams! 🔍✨
Martha Gillies
4 reviews
There are a lot of untrue recommendations and its hard to tell who is legit. If you have lost money to scam contact (zattrecoverypro1 ⓐ Gmail Dot Com) they will surely help you out. Took me long to find them
Varun Malhotra
84 reviews
ScamNet just landed on Product Hunt! 🚀 Congrats on the launch!
Alexander Au
1 review
Very popular, modernized UI and robust AI to protect against scams