SigmaOS Browser

SigmaOS Browser

The new home for your internet 🏡
186 reviews

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What do people think of SigmaOS Browser?

The community submitted 186 reviews to tell us what they like about SigmaOS Browser, what SigmaOS Browser can do better, and more.

4.5/5All time (186 reviews)
Recently (2 reviews)
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Nicholas Cernera
7 reviews
I think that SigmaOS broke way too many patterns of existing browsers and overall made the UX worse. This was especially pronounced in its use of hotkeys and shortcuts in general. With the way so many patterns were changed, it felt like a"if it ain't broke, don't fix it" type of situation.
hamoon jamshidi meydandar
3 reviews
One of the few productivity tools that actually increased my productivity. Workspaces help me to focus on the problem. The fast app, and easy shortcuts makes things quite fast.
Christopher Carr
1 review
I can't take a Mac-only *browser* seriously. Browsers are supposed to be cross-platform. Even Edge has a Linux version
Donny Wals
2 reviews
I like the idea of Sigma, it feels like they completely change how browsing the internet can work. That said, it works so different from browsers that I'm used to that I find it a little hard to "get" the idea. I'll probably give the browser some more tries though; it feels nice.
Christin White
2 reviews
This is the browser I've been searching for, it takes the current browser UI/UX paradigms and turns them on their head to use a more contextual computing model and an emphasis on tasks over sites. Add in the command palette and extensive keyboard shortcuts and it's really increasing my productivity in just a short time using it. It's certainly still early and rough around the edges, I'm very much looking forward to custom search engines, extensions, more minimalist and custom to workspace icons and it will be the only browser I have open. I'm seriously excited about its future! I also love how responsive the team is, that's a huge benefit!
Dann Every
1 review
Hi. Thanks for your hard work. Unfortunately it seems too unintuitive for me to use. Came back to Safari.
Tiago Rangel
17 reviews
Wait, not even a version for windows? 😑
2 reviews
Toll. Ich liebe diesen neuen Browser. Leider kann ich ihn im Moment kaum nutzen. Auf meinem MB Air M2 bleibt er irgendwann immer hängen und friert auch den Rechner ein. Ansonsten gefällt mir die UI/UX. Man muss aber sich etwas damit befassen, bevor man alles überblickt hat. Weiterhin viel Glück mit dem Projekt. Cheers
2 reviews
Best than arc,arc is a rubbish
Matty White
1 review
Great browser with a tonne of potential. I wish ARC and SigmaOS joined forces - two of the best experiences on the internet.

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