Create websites in seconds to build your first 1K community
•57 reviews•1 shoutout•1.5K followers
What is SlashPage?
Create a website in seconds, complete with a feedback community, a product story blog, and more. Analyze the activities of visitors who have been notified via email, directly on your content. It's free if public!
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Website builders•No-code platforms•Email marketing•Landing page builders•Community management
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4.88/5 based on 57 reviews
Maker reviews of SlashPage
•13 reviews
This looks insane, I love the simplicity, especially the easy to understand UI and product screens. Have you though about a sharing function, where you can simply connect your linkedin profiles and mass send your page to the relevant people?
Launching soon!
•178 reviews
I really love the mission and ease of use for both blog and community use cases. Keep up the great work team!!!
•43 reviews
Just tried out Slashpage. The interface is clean and overall its quite simple to use. Though the editor can be made more like WordPress blocks editor and ability to have customizable sidebars for blogs along with Table of contents and sticky option are some of the good additions. Congrats on the launch 🚀
•2 reviews
Well done! Your menus for design options are super slick, and I love that you not only built in community but gave us multiple options for the layout. Bravo. Keep up the great work! And I can't wait to see this evolve.