
AI-powered app that helps you create beautiful presentations
15 reviews

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What do people think of slidebean?

The community submitted 15 reviews to tell us what they like about slidebean, what slidebean can do better, and more.

4.4/5All time (15 reviews)
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Lance Bowling
1 review
By far the best financial modeling software I have tried. The company is great and alot of suport and learning opportunities.
Felipe Chen
1 review
Great product it has helped me build my pitch presentations many times.
Thisura Jayasoma
2 reviews
It is a fun tool, but too far away from being even close to competing with either PowerPoint or Google Sheets. Believe me when I say this below options are missing; 1. No ability to select all the slides and delete 2. No ability to select all any elements on a given page and delete 3. No use of any keyword function you are used to like up and down buttons or delete 4. Cannot resize the fonts as you wish 5. Cannot move multiple slides at once 6. Cannot 'select all' rows or columns when editing sheets. 7. Cannot make all headings 'bold' at once. In fact, no option like a 'master slide' to make changes at once. 8. No content page option - unless of course you manually do it 9. Cannot copy-paste slides - so have to duplicate and drag it all the way. 10. Table cells cannot be merged 11. If you make any changes offline, it is very unlikely to get synced 12. Cannot display percentage values for pie and Doughnut charts 13. Gets stuck when adding new images or icons. And forces to reload. 14. Only sufficient to make small pitches. But then it doesn’t make sense to do a monthly subscription. Who has monthly pitches?! 15. Takes about 6 minutes to export, whereas google slides are instantaneous 16. Ability to leave the logo in a corner of all slides is missing. Guess need a master slide option to do this. 17. Copy-paste keyboard functions don’t work UX has been taken for granted, but I guess the company's excuse as per the support team is "The platform was created to help users make simple and beautiful designs in a short amount of time with the available templates. We keep it simple so you can do it too." - I have no idea how not having those options above make it 'simple to use'.
Josue Rodriguez
1 review
I use slidebean and the best product for me was the founder startup susbcription. I currently pay an accelerator and I always saw slidebean as a potential accelerator. This product is a perfect fit for me
15 reviews

Been a subscriber since 2014, amazing youtube content.

Eduardo Chang
1 review

I use it now and again and would do so more if corporate overlords would let me. Actually corporate overlords have great reasons for choosing the tools we use but I love Slidebean and its ease of use. Recommended.

Paulo Andrade
6 reviews
Jose Antonio Sotelo Cohen
38 reviews

got it a couple years ago and it's a great app to create beatiful slides quickly

Elisa López
1 review

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