We've rebuilt from the ground up on Spotify's API — making sure every artist featured on Noon Pacific gets paid for every play. Expansion from Los Angeles to curators in New York and London allow listeners to capture the vibe from each city around the world. Each Friday we release a single from our community-built record label on Patreon.
Find discovering new music hard? Jinx makes it easy It suggests songs based on what you are currently listening to, as well as your existing playlists in Apple Music. It also suggests daily curated playlists and includes a widget for quick access to your music
SongSwipe is the ultimate playlist maker. Discover and rediscover music through powerful recommendations based on artists, songs, and genres you select.
Get bored of your playlist? Do you want to explore brand-new music? 180songs.com help you discover the 180 degrees different songs from your current music styles. Instead of recommending similar music, the app introduces to you the opposite songs.
Want to stop Spotify Radio from torturing you with the same tracks over and over again? Radionewify generates playlists based on your most recently played song, while avoiding all in your library.
Sonar is a social, gamified experience for discovering new music on Apple Music. Share your favourite underrated, underheard music and swipe through those shared by others.
5 tracks will play for 20 seconds. As soon as you recognise the track, hit the button and make your guess.
Guess right and the next track will play, guess wrong and the track keeps playing until you run out of time.