For anyone fighting against the rise of misinformation, sensationalism, and biased news, Ground News Pro will help you easily compare how a story is being covered by thousands of sources from across the political spectrum and from around the world.
Laugh, cry — you'll be all set with the best subreddits. Stay up-to-date on trending memes, political cartoons, hilarious videos, news etc. All in one place with fReddits. gathers all Amazon products mentioned in Reddit comments, aggregates them by subreddit, and displays them in such a way where you can "shop by subreddit". Users can sort by number of upvotes and fuzzy filter by content within a subreddit 🎉
An organized and categorized view of all your favorite subreddits - Posts with Post viewer - High resulution Images with Image Viewer Flip through images with your keyboard - Videos - Light / Dark Theme
Coma is a simple chrome extension for accessing the list of user subscribed subreddits and user multi-subreddits so you can easily access them without going into reddit and looking for them in the search bar.