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  • Supermemory


    ai second brain for all your saved stuff
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    What do people think of Supermemory?

    The community submitted 4 reviews to tell us what they like about Supermemory, what Supermemory can do better, and more.
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    4.3/5All time (4 reviews)
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    4 Reviews
    Beta-tester Enthusiast
    19 reviews
    Really loving this new second brain sub-category! Excited to see how this stacks up with Mem and Lazy (both of which I have pain points with) as time goes on Some things I noticed right off the bat: - Clean interface! - Thinkpad is very cool - haven't had much time to play around with it yet but I'm excited to see how it works - Ability to search in spaces is a nice touch I don't see all competitors adopting - AI suggestions on the homepage are actually useful!! And a great way to prompt people who might not know what to search - I copy-pasted a few bullet pointed lists (separated by line) into Supermemory. When reviewing in the import editor, I saw that they displayed as expected, but after import the lists were inline and no longer separated by line break. Keep in mind I saved the memory without using the markdown editor, but I'd expect the preview to look the same as the saved memory, regardless. - Can't edit memories!! Rather than creating a separate memory/space for each thing II want to remember, there are some memories I'd prefer to go back and edit. For example, I have a "Food" space where I store memories about flavor pairings and food I want to try. In this space I have a note called "Cuisines to try" which I'd like to be able to update regularly as I add-on/cross off things on that list. It wouldn't make much sense for me to dedicate a space just to this note since it's pretty specific, so I'd prefer to go back and edit it as I see fit. Also, if I notice a typo in a memory I made, I'd like the option to go back and address it!
    Joshua Mormann

    Product Director of Sorts

    5 reviews
    Super cool. A little slow but it's great (I'm sure the performance difficulty has to do with sudden popularity)


    70 reviews
    Content creators would likely find this useful. Excellent work!
    1 review
    Greate Bro Keep it Up amazing i also want to joind to more better v2