

Handle more links with less tabs open
1 review

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What do people think of Tabsets?

The community submitted 1 review to tell us what they like about Tabsets, what Tabsets can do better, and more.

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Heleana Grace
92 reviews
Heleana from Videodeck here. Love the "eat your own dog food" approach! It's the best way to improve. Quick Q: What's the most unexpected or unique way you've seen users organize their links with Tabsets? And if you ever need a video to showcase Tabsets, we've got you covered! 😉
Carsten Gräf
Hi Heleana, thanks a lot for reaching out! A special and very interesting use case is not only to use a lot of tabs, but also use multiple windows. A user asked me to support opening tabs in dedicated windows (something which I never thought of myself). For example, you have a tabset called "mails" and all tabs inside this tabset will open in a window of their own (which will open automatically if it is not open yet). This is a feature tabsets will support in the next version.

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