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The best alternatives to Tell.fm are Play, Medium, and TAYL. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
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Best alternatives to Tell.fm
  • Leaders in Conversational Voice AI. We're building generative AI voices for the conversational future. Join https://discord.gg/yBbq7UfUsF

  • Medium taps into the brains of the world’s most insightful writers, thinkers, and storytellers to bring you the smartest takes on topics that matter.

  • (T)alk A(t) Y(ou) L(ater), pronounced "tale", is the service that gives your Internet content a voice. It uses state of the art A.I. and machine learning to sound (almost) human. Send TAYL anything you want read. Listen in the TAYL app, or by using Podcasts.

  • Listen to your favorite news sites when you can't read them

  • Listen to top-trending web articles, read in a natural voice while you wash the dishes or laundry, cook, commute or just relax. Staying up-to-date on your favourite topics has never been easier. Ideas for your SEO blog, or improve English. We got podcasts too!

  • Narro is the simple way to listen to the web - a text to speech podcast app. Narro turns your readings list or blog into a podcast.

  • Fama let's you listen to email newsletters while you're commuting, working out, or doing anything, really. Just like audiobooks! Works with usual podcast apps. No need to install anything new!

  • Problem: I got bored reading a lengthy article about Neuralink (https://waitbutwhy.com/2017/04/neuralink.html). So, I needed someone to read it for me. How it works: Browse to the web page within the app, tap the Speaker icon. Additional Features: ➡️ Create playlist of web pages ➡️ Collect the latest RSS feed (if any) of the website

  • Watch Gifs and Videos on reddit like you would TikTok.