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    Tidio- live chat boosted with bots
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    What do people think of Tidio?

    The community submitted 35 reviews to tell us what they like about Tidio, what Tidio can do better, and more.
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    5/5All time (9 reviews)
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    35 Reviews
    Sofiia Tarhonska

    Marketing at Mailtrap

    1 review
    I'd recommend this tool to anyone who'd like to boost their customer service without significant technical skills for an affordable price. The interface of the app is interactive and intuitive. The user is supported by hints and step-by-step guides. Customer support also works 10/10. The installation of the plugin is hassle-free. There's a great variety of response management options, AI-generated responses feature, and a rich analytics setup. This combo greatly boosts the teams performance. :)
    Mateusz Marszałek
    Head of Engineering
    1 review
    Great app for small businesses
    Ray Zhu
    Ray Zhu

    Founder & Leadership at Coolpo

    2 reviews
    It is a reliable platform to engage with our customers, both potential and existing.
    Michal Kaczor

    Founder & Leadership

    4 reviews
    One of the top solutions when it come to price-quality ratio. I'd also use app.cloo.ai to compare it against Intercom, Zendesk etc.
    Great customer service tool!
    Amine Boussassi


    1 review
    Impressive! This will certainly be a game-changer, it'll hit the pain points of countless support teams head-on, kudos to you for this fantastic launch! 👏🎩
    Mike Simmons
    CEO, small time farmer and oil driller.
    1 review
    Review of Tidio
    Super easy to get started and start chatting with my users. I'm looking forward to adding my first chat bot here.
    Marija Mladenovska
    1 review
    I would recommend Tidio to any business that is looking for a way to improve their customer service. It is a powerful and affordable solution that can help you connect with your customers in real time and provide them with the support they need. 🌟
    Steven Jacobs

    Founder & Leadership

    7 reviews
    Tidio Live Chat has been a game-changer for our customer service at Sidetrain.com. As a business, we understand the importance of providing prompt and efficient support to our users, and Tidio has made that process seamless.
    Alex Broadley
    Recreating the in store experience
    1 review
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