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    What do people think of Tidyread?

    The community submitted 4 reviews to tell us what they like about Tidyread, what Tidyread can do better, and more.
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    4 Reviews
    Business Marketing with Nika


    82 reviews
    I gave it a try and I am satisfied. I sent you some things that could improve it but I need to say: Good job! :)
    Trevon Gleeson
    Thanks a lot for the great feedback! We'll definitely look into the prompt and email subscription issues you pointed out. Can't wait to hear what you think once we roll out these updates.
    Thank you Nika, I am very touched and happy to see your active participation in the community discussions and product usage! We will definitely consider the optimization suggestions you have made!!
    Alexander Melnyk


    18 reviews
    TidyRead is an excellent tool for anyone looking to cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters—reading content without distractions. For professionals in the SaaS and B2B space, where productivity is key, TidyRead is a lifesaver. It transforms cluttered web articles into clean, readable formats that help you focus on absorbing information without the distractions of ads, pop-ups, or unnecessary design elements. What I love about TidyRead is its simplicity. With just a click, you can turn any page into a distraction-free reading experience, which is great for long-form content, research, or just staying informed without getting sidetracked. The integration across browsers is smooth, and the user experience feels polished. For anyone looking to boost their reading efficiency—whether it's developers, marketers, or busy execs—TidyRead is a fantastic productivity tool. Definitely worth trying if you value focus and clarity when consuming online content! 📖✨
    Thank you for your recognition of tidyread, making reading efficient and orderly is the direction we have been working hard and insisting on. We're hope that tidyread.'s filter feature has been particularly useful for you.
    1 review
    Very useful tool. Saving my cost of reading articles alot.
    3 reviews
    It helped me get rid of a lot of distractions. I can concentrate on reading the content I collected instead of reading tiktok recommendations.