
The world’s premier fantasy cryptotrading app
20 reviews

What is TradePlayz?

TradePlayz is the world's premiere fantasy crypto trading platform. We put the power in our users’ hands to play the cryptocurrency market in a completely secure, low-risk environment. They simply call it how they see it, UP or DOWN, based on their research, then pay to play and the winners get rewarded. One platform to play them all! It's an educational tool as much as a game. We're betting that our users take the confidence and education they've developed from using TradePlayz and use it to go out and hold positions in the real markets. With TradePlayz you will: Play against real people in PvP tournaments; Analyze and learn the crypto markets; Win real cryptocurrency; Learn and share experiences with other people; Apply your gained knowledge to the real world.

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4.8/5 based on 20 reviews
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Eduardo Siman
1 review

Stock trading simulations have been used for decades now and many beginners find them useful. They are also used for behavioral economics studies to understand trading behavior. Its about time we have something similar for the crypto world.

Sanem Avcil
2 reviews
Roblem VR
2 reviews

The biggest problem with Cryptocurrency right now is lack of good information about them. Many people either think they are a total scam (they are not) or they are just throwing money into whatever coin or ICO that pops up. TradePlayz gives people a chance to see what this world is like with no risk.

1 review

It made me (and many other people) quite some money. This is not even close to being a scam.

1 review

I am Susann. I am one of the early users of the app and started very critical because I thought it is just the next gaming app. But I was wrong. There is a real and totally friendly community and we all get an impression that it is huge what will come next.

Thanks a lot to the TradePlayz team!

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