Understand Better

Understand Better

Finally Understand native Speakers.
2 reviews

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What do people think of Understand Better?

The community submitted 2 reviews to tell us what they like about Understand Better, what Understand Better can do better, and more.

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Ru Pole
11 reviews
Congrats on the launch! We're def missing some things to improve listening in European Portuguese with almost everyone focusing on Brazillian version. Did you use AI voiceovers? What I'd like to also get from such an app: - an ability to choose topics - more natural-sounding voices (but I haven't tried the advanced yet, worried I'll have to listen about Sofia and seasons for the 3rd time :D ), overall if I compare it to what I can hear on TV I hear the difference, and my goal is to understand the TV - dialogues (maybe there are in the future lessons) - some questions where I need to type in the answer (even if it's just a word), it's very easy to pick the right one even if you didn't understand what was said thanks to reading comprehension, not listening. "hmhm, what does she like to do in the summer, could it be... play with the snow? probably not :) " Overall great start, thanks for doing this!
Connie Nash
1 review
This is going to be such a great tool!

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