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  • Warp


    The terminal for the 21st century
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    What do people think of Warp?

    The community submitted 143 reviews to tell us what they like about Warp, what Warp can do better, and more.
    What do you think about Warp?
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    4.8/5All time (136 reviews)
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    143 Reviews
    Mohammad Farhadi


    2 reviews
    Awesome! I saw this on my friend's Mac, please release it for Windows too! 😢

    Engineering at Modyfi

    3 reviews
    Best terminal experience I've had the joy of using
    Naved Khan
    4 reviews
    It started out great, but the forced login and survey does it for me. Sure, I will login if it improves my experience on your app, and especially if I already like it -- but I hate being forced to go through it when I'm trying to get something done. It doesn't end there either, we have a long mandatory survey with mandatory questions, and a tiny hidden skip button for some of the questions. Why put the skip button there at all if you're so desperate to have people answer your survey? For fairness to Warp, the configuration for the app was reset after I had to reset my macOS password, and the keychains were removed / not synched yet. It is a one time step when you first install the app, but I continue to dislike being made to go through that long process for a terminal.
    Michelle Lim
    Hi Naved, thank you so much for your feedback. The survey is optional, but it's our bad this is not obvious enough. We're going to refresh that survey, and hopefully we can win you back then.
    Nils Domin
    Web- and Software Developer
    7 reviews
    Love it!
    Alfonso Alvarez


    2 reviews
    I've some questions/comments. First of all, congrats. This looks amazing. Wish you the best. I use EMACS. What do you think of this? Would you recommend Warp to me? Should I Forget about Emacs? Complement them? ... And I see the term uses vi shortcuts. Is this configurable to use Emacs shortcuts? Cheers! Really excited for this. Looking forward for the missing OS versions.
    Michelle Lim
    Thank you! Our input editor uses emacs key bindings! And yes, emacs/vim do enjoy using Warp as well.
    I do stuff with computers
    9 reviews
    Review of Warp
    why do I need an account to use a terminal app? just let me try before I give you my info. EDIT: > One is that we think there are features that require login in order to create a better user experience. The other is to improve our product during beta. none of those 2 reasons need to force you to have an account, you can leave it open and let people share feedback via email or in a form somewhere else? I see your thinking, but from a user perspective it seems just a marketing tool. "thanks for trying this product, now we got your details"
    Kevin Yang
    Login serves two functions now. One is that we think there are features that require login in order to create a better user experience. The other is to improve our product during beta. 1. We believe that the terminal is more powerful when you can share commands with teammates, generate commands using Open AI Codex, or run shared wikis directly in the terminal. These are not possible if users do not have an account with us. We've already begun building team features and we want to be able to ship them to our users without friction. 2. For our public beta, we do send telemetry and we do associate it with the logged in user because it makes it much easier to reach out and get feedback when something goes wrong. But we only track metadata, never console output. For an exhaustive list of events that we track, see here: https://docs.warp.dev/getting-st.... If this is uncomfortable to you, please wait for Warp to enter General Availability. At that point our plan is to make telemetry opt-in and anonymous.
    Mike Ivars

    Founder & Leadership

    13 reviews
    Warp has reinvented the Terminal.
    Shashaank Babu

    Engineering at Hewlett Packard Enterprise

    1 review
    Brilliant UI/UX! Love the idea of having blocks for each command
    Majid Dehghan
    Tech Guy
    6 reviews
    The best ever
    Ben Callis
    Making real estate better
    4 reviews
    Next level terminal