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Programiz PRO is an interactive learning platform that allows beginner programmers to learn to code by writing code and solving challenges. Users will create multiple projects to implement coding in the real world and build a portfolio for their first job.
There are tons of learning resources online. Yet most of us just stop by and keep hesitating. Cogak is the advisor to help you make decision and "get things learned", for free.
ubbu teaches children 6+ how to code in a fun and easy way. Kids learn concepts of computer science, logical thinking, and problem-solving autonomously while playing games and doing interactive exercises. Screen time you feel good about.
Truck is a dynamic toy programming language with a focus on simplicity. Truck interpreter is implemented as a tree walking interpreter with hand written recursive descent parser in Python without any external dependency.
Learn how to code in an interactive way without any installation or configuration, directly in the browser. The gets you the muscle repetition needed to master coding quickly using interactive exercises.