Whisper by OpenAI

A neural net for speech recognition
5 reviews10 shoutouts

Maker Shoutouts

Testimonials from top launches

Anna Sannikova
used this to buildPitch Avatar
(814 points)
Whisper enables accurate speech-to-text conversion, allowing our avatars to process and understand spoken input, ensuring seamless communication and enhanced user interaction.
Vlad Yan
used this to buildAgentplace
(993 points)
Whisper delivers state-of-the-art speech recognition with unmatched accuracy, enabling seamless voice interactions in our AI-powered websites and apps.
Jijo Sunny
used this to buildVoicenotesVoicenotes
(1,712 points)
Whisper is an AI transcription model that we use at Voicenotes.
Bogdan Popa
used this to buildPodcatcherPodcatcher
(58 points)
I use Whipser to automatically generate podcast transcriptions in Podcatcher.
Barak Saidoff
used this to buildQWiserQWiser
(768 points)
Helped us quickly transcribe audio content, so we can create better learning experiences for QWiser users with ease.
Kostya Bolshukhin
used this to buildmgmatemgmate
(746 points)
Helps us understand better what you mean, when you record a note or task with voice.
Hedy AI
Julian Pscheid
used this to buildHedy AIHedy AI
(373 points)
We use the Whisper models for speech analysis on device.
Matt Mireles
used this to buildTalkTastic for macOSTalkTastic
(555 points)
TalkTastic runs a mod of open-source Whisper to transcribe speech on-device and in the cloud.
Boggl.ai-Your Voice AI Product Assistant
Swarna Hebbar
Whisper helps Boggl in converting your speech to text.
Zhangir Siranov
used this to buildYenbekYenbek
(81 points)
Amazing feature that enables the crucial part of the app - Ramble feature.
Luca Martino
used this to buildRTranslatorRTranslator
(136 points)
This is a great model for speech recognition. The transcription quality is excellent and it is free and open-source.
David Norman
used this to buildHyperCatcher 3.0HyperCatcher
(87 points)
Whisper was open sourced by OpenAI and is able to run really well directly on Apple Hardware using the Apple Neural Engine. Podcasts are about to get some really cool features and I'm looking forward to helping build them!
Anveeg Sinha
used this to buildDemoDazzleDemoDazzle
(66 points)
Whisper enables precise lip-syncing for our avatars, creating realistic and synchronized speech animations that enhance the overall user experience.
Skeleton Fingers
Brian Correa
used this to buildSkeleton FingersSkeleton Fingers
(86 points)
Audio transcription is powered by Whisper directly in your browser.