zkPass Schema Market

zkPass Schema Market

Monetize your private data with each ZK attestation.
4 reviews

What is zkPass Schema Market?

zkPass is a private data protocol leveraging 3P-TLS and Hybrid ZK technologies, providing tools and applications for secure, verifiable data sharing with privacy and integrity assurances from any HTTPS website without Oauth APIs.

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4.5/5 based on 4 reviews
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Teddy Zhou
1 review
A novel technique on data sharing and privacy preservation that has the potential to reshape the way we interact with private data.
1 review
Screening for on-chain Sybil behavior violates users' on-chain freedom.Boost rewards for real users with zkPass,zk attestations, not anti-bot measures.
1 review
Its very easy to use and there's something special on schema that you've never found anywhere else
Сергей Ганюшкин
1 review
I'm a beginner but aiming to become an experienced user