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  • 40 AI apps to streamline each stage of the product lifecycle

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    February 7th, 2023
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    Explore the use of AI apps to save time and resources while enhancing the success of product planning, development, launch, and growth strategies.
    AI apps can play a crucial role in streamlining the product lifecycle by performing and optimizing the tasks and activities associated with each stage.
    The AI tools featured in this article can help makers with market research, product design and engineering, marketing and launch planning, and product maintenance and improvement.
    By understanding how AI apps can be matched to each stage of the product lifecycle, makers, builders, and marketers can leverage these tools to bring their products to market more efficiently and effectively.

    What are the 4 stages of the product lifecycle?

    The product lifecycle is the path a product follows from when it's just an idea in someone's head to when it's out in the market and eventually retired.

    Ideation, development, launch, and growth

    1. Ideation

    💡 In this stage, an idea for a product is generated and evaluated for feasibility and potential market demand. AI apps can assist with market research and demand analysis by collecting and analyzing vast amounts of data on consumer behavior and market trends. AI tools can also be used for idea generation and validation, using algorithms to identify and prioritize potential product ideas based on market demand and potential profitability.

    2. Development

    🛠 Here, the product is brought to life through design, prototyping and testing. AI can support product design and engineering by automating repetitive tasks and providing data-driven insights and recommendations.

    3. Launch

    🚀 AI can help with developing a go-to-market strategy and product marketing by by providing targeted audience insights, personalized messaging, and content creation tools, as well as supporting sales and distribution by automating sales processes and customer support.

    4. Growth

    📈 In this stage, the product is being used or sold, and should undergo continuous improvements. Tasks include ongoing product maintenance, customer support, and improvements to the product based on user feedback. AI can aid in ongoing product maintenance and improvement by providing real-time product performance analysis and customer feedback analysis. AI tools can also assist with customer support by automating common support tasks and providing real-time customer insights.
    For each of the product lifecycle stages listed above, the use of AI-powered tools and apps can significantly enhance team efficiency and effectiveness. From ideation to development, launch, and growth, there are AI applications that can streamline and optimize each stage, saving time and resources.
    Here’s how to integrate AI at every stage of your next product development lifecycle.

    AI apps for ideation, research and validation

    💡 The ideation stage is crucial in determining the potential success of a product idea. It is essential to validate the concept and gather valuable insights through market research. AI-powered apps can assist in this process by streamlining various tasks and providing actionable data.

    8 AI apps for the product ideation phase

    Idea generation

    Generate multiple product ideas quickly with Notion AI and ChatGPT resources like and GPT-3 Playbook and SaaS Library.

    Trend analysis

    AI-powered news aggregators such as Artifact combined with summary tools like Gimme Summary AI can provide relevant market trends and insights.

    Customer insights

    AI-powered search engines like Komo can simplify the process of mining online communities for customer insights and preferences.

    Competitor analysis

    Tools like Browse AI enable users to scrape competitor websites for market intelligence, without the need for coding skills.

    AI tools for product management, development, and testing

    🛠 Product development, project management, and quality assurance are crucial steps of a successful product launch. AI-powered tools can streamline these processes and help ensure that the final product is functional and well-designed.

    9 AI tools for the product development phase

    Product Management

    AI-powered tools can enhance product management by automating tasks and prioritizing team-wide tasks. Examples of such tools include General Task (Beta) for AI-powered prioritization; Monterey AI, which converts product requirements into collaborative workflows; and Delibr AI, which facilitates repeatable workflows.


    AI-assisted development tools like Durable AI Site Builder simplify the website building process, allowing users to create mobile-friendly websites with images, copy, fonts, colours, and lead generation forms quickly.
    Brancher.ai and No Code AI Model Builder allow developers to build AI applications and custom GPT-3 models for WhatsApp or Telegram chatbots respectively, without having to write a line of code.


    Debugging and fixing issues can be automated with AI-powered tools such as Kodezi 2.0 and AI Code Reviewer. Slackbots like Albus enable users to access GPT-3 within Slack to write emails, document code, and fix bugs.

    AI apps for product launch, marketing, and distribution

    🚀 The product launch phase involves bringing the product to market and making it available to customers. Essential tasks in this stage include product marketing, launch planning, sales, distribution, and customer support.

    15 AI apps for the product launch phase

    Marketing strategy

    AI tools can aid in crafting a multi-channel marketing strategy and generating content-led campaigns. Resources like ChatGPT Growth Marketing Mastery Guide, 325 ChatGPT Email Marketing Prompts Pack, GPT-3 Blog Idea Generator, and AI Powered YouTube Idea Generator can be used to source creative product marketing angles.

    Content creation

    Creative assets can be generated by AI image generators such as Synthesys X, AI Photo, Memorable Ad Maker, and Femme Stock, while video generators such as Predis.ai and Tweet to Video by Fliki can help generate videos. Tagbox.io can then help automate the organization of these assets for creative and marketing teams.


    Tools like Charlie can automatically generate social media campaigns from text, audio, or video content. Writing assistants such as Writing Mate.ai and SocialBu can streamline promotional content creation and copywriting.


    AI can be integrated into sales management tools, like OpenAI in HubSpot CRM, to process leads, answer customer requests, and manage data using natural language. LinkedXP uses AI to generate copy that sales teams can use to build their brands and grow their networks on LinkedIn.

    Scaling and growing with AI applications

    📈 In the sustain and grow phase, focus is on maintaining and supporting the product, providing customer support, and incorporating customer feedback for product improvements.

    8 AI apps to assist in the activities associated with scaling up

    Stakeholder Communications

    Use Makelog to generate changelogs with GPT-3 and communicate product updates more efficiently.

    Customer Feedback

    Automate the process of sourcing, analyzing, and responding to customer feedback with AI tools like Go Holler, Scott AI, and Voiceflow WhatsApp GPT-3 Assistants.

    User Retention

    Enhance customer lifetime value by identifying and nurturing top customers with tools like Retention AI. Use Unlimited Voice Transcription with API to communicate with customers globally in any language.

    Talent Acquisition

    Streamline the recruitment process and candidate sourcing with Dover Autopilot. Make onboarding easier with Ask by Slite, an AI assistant that answers team questions in Slack using past messages and team documentation.

    What have we missed?

    AI can greatly enhance the product development process by streamlining and optimizing each stage of the lifecycle.
    The right AI tools can save time and resources for builders, makers, founders, and marketers, leading to a more efficient and effective product launch.
    How are you using AI to improve the product development process? 💬
    Comments (23)
    lucky arora
    Very important information. Thanks!
    Jonno Riekwel
    Thanks for the huge post. I just released ConversAI and I use it to respond on Twitter mainly.
    Adithya Shreshti
    Nice round up @itsnatashanel Pretty crazy to think Product Launch AI missed the spot even though this article covers about marketing/launches.
    Richard Gao
    Thanks for sharing! I would also put Evoke for the development stage if you're developing an AI app that requires image generation It basically solves all your hosting needs with AI.
    Chelsey Roney
    Hey Product Hunt team! Check out MapsGPT (www.mapsgpt.com). MapsGPT enables users to generate AI content on maps based on a mad-lib style prompt. These maps are interactive, editable and brandable.
    Chelsey Roney
    @formentera Yes! Absolutely! Our main product is www.proxi.co. Here you can make free, brandable, embeddable maps for events or evergreen content. LMK what you think!