
AI Powered Song Search and Playlisting
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What is Songhunt?
Imagine a musical compass guiding you to songs that match your emotions and thoughts. One that uncovers gems reminiscent of a personal favorite, and curates the perfect playlist for an afternoon on the beach or dinner party with friends. Meet Songhunt! 🎢🧭
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Recent launches

Songhunt is out of beta with a MAJOR upgrade: An AI free-text song search & playlisting prompter! Type in a song you love and/or musical and lyrical specifications (genres/instruments/writing style/topic...) and voila! Discover your next favorite songs! 🎧😎
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Imagine a musical compass guiding you to songs that match your emotions and thoughts. One that uncovers gems reminiscent of a personal favorite, and curates the perfect playlist for an afternoon on the beach or dinner party with friends. Meet Songhunt! 🎢🧭
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