Virtual Shuffle - Truly Random

Virtual Shuffle - Truly Random

Android app that forces Spotify to play truly random tracks
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What is Virtual Shuffle - Truly Random?
I noticed that Spotify kept playing the same 10 songs in my playlist even though shuffle was enabled, so I built Virtual Shuffle to take control of Spotify and play truly random tracks from my Spotify playlists/albums/artists, etc. This app: Can combine playlists. Can delete multiple playlists at once. Can create playlists from your favorite songs. Can remove duplicates from playlists. Can export playlists. Can import playlists. Can search all playlists for a particular track.
Virtual Shuffle - Truly Random media 1
Virtual Shuffle - Truly Random media 2
Virtual Shuffle - Truly Random media 3

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Virtual Shuffle
I noticed that Spotify kept playing the same 10 songs in my playlist even though shuffle was enabled, so I built Virtual Shuffle to take control of Spotify and play truly random tracks from my Spotify playlists/albums/artists, etc.
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