Karl Koch

Karl Koch

Software designer & developer
26 points
All activity
Karl Koch
Blocks are pre-built website components that you can drop into your project. Choose from landing pages, blogs, image galleries, product pages, and more.
Blocks by Cosmic
Blocks by Cosmic
Data infused components for building websites and apps
Karl Koch
Search millions of high-quality stock photos, videos, and vectors from popular online media services: Unsplash, Pexels, Giphy, and Pixabay from one convenient interface. Also includes AI-generated images from OpenAI.
Cosmic Media
Cosmic Media
Search high-quality stock photos, videos, AI images and more
Karl Koch
Cosmic 2.0 is a latest version of the Cosmic CMS dashboard. This release includes two big updates: 1. The new dashboard version 2.0 is now in general availability. 2. We have a brand new website.
Cosmic 2.0
Cosmic 2.0
Headless CMS and API toolkit
Karl Koch
Karl Koch
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Love this! What a rad idea.
Icon Maker by Raycast
Icon Maker by Raycast
Create beautiful icons for your projects, apps or extensions
Karl Koch
Karl Koch
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This. Is. The. Best. So happy to see this come out!
FigJam for iPad
FigJam for iPad
Your space to think out loud
Karl Koch
Need to handover to developers? Tired of trying to figure out what the relative em value would be for your pixels? Well, no longer. Simply convert any number to ems, change the baseline px value and change the conversion scale. More features coming soon.
Px ›› Em
Px ›› Em
Simply convert pixels to ems on iOS and macOS
Karl Koch
Select a text node anywhere in your files and open the plugin to see the current pixel value and convert it to ems:
• Change the selection to update the input value
• Change the baseline px value
• Change the scale by which you want to convert
Px ›› Em Figma Plugin
Px ›› Em Figma Plugin
Convert px to em for better Design › Dev handover in Figma
Karl Koch
A free interfaceless macOS utility that allows you to effortlessly create a PDF from a set of selected images.
Lazy PDF
Lazy PDF
Effortless and interfaceless PDF creation