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Angeline Tan
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If anyone is better suited to talk about dev rel, it's you Hassan! You're a walking, talking example with rich experience! Thanks for doing what you do! :)
A resource for getting started in developer relations

Angeline Tan
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I'm just starting to get educated on blockchain and already am realizing the power and potential in it - thanks for building The Graph to enable decentralization at scale! :)

The Graph
Build performant blockchain apps with GraphQL

Angeline Tan
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I've been participating in TwitterSpaces for two months now and joined Clubhouse two weeks ago and have found greater value and connections made on TwitterSpaces versus Clubhouse. Clubhouse seems rather saturated with content but TwitterSpaces centers on high value conversations.
Clubhouse vs Twitter Spaces?
Gabe Perez
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Angeline Tan
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Seriously? It does all of these? Phenomenal tool!! :)

User Hero
A hub to organize user research and generate learnings fast

Producing Infrastructure as Code is burdensome for DevOps engineers. Enter InfraSketch.
▶ Generate your infrastructure using drag and drop cloud elements
▶ Reuse previously saved Terraform templates
▶ Create a visual sketch of your infrastructure

Generate cloud infrastructure as code efficiently

Angeline Tan
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This is me asking for me :)
How do you overcome imposter syndrome?
Angeline Tan
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Angeline Tan
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When you get to nail the perfect brew with exact science and math.. because every drip of joe is so key... :) Ingenious work @mshwery !

Brew Ratio
A simple coffee calculator to help you brew a great cup

Angeline Tan
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@jamilabreu I love this product! Exactly what I need as a Community Manager - thanks for creating this!

Direct Memo
Privately message everyone on your team, instantly.

Angeline Tan
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Much needed! You nailed it with much of the sharing platforms that limits sizes. I always find myself having to use Dropbox or WeTransfer to show video files longer than 1 min. TinyVid to the rescue! :)
Trim and compress video files to fit any size limitation

Angeline Tan
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I actually recognize the voice over in your promo video! It's Alain de Botton!! How did you manage to get him to do the voice over? Great stuff!! :)
Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone

Angeline Tan
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Absolutely blown away!

Timelapse in Google Earth
Watch time unfold and witness 40 years of planetary change

Angeline Tan
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I get to ride my bike midday and resume work after. Love it!
What is the good side of working remotely?
Vio from Selftalk
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Angeline Tan
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Learning is best and quickest when embedded into everyday life - Fluent 1.0 does just that! I'm sure more languages are coming up but for now, French and Spanish it is! I'd request for Portuguese next, only coz I'm currently learning that :)

Fluent 1.0
Learn a new language while you live your life

Angeline Tan
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No code stunning templates for instant use! Brilliant beyond words!

Presentations by Canva
Create beautiful, engaging presentations in minutes

Angeline Tan
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Creators, developers, artists share big files and the fact that Wormhole allows such fast transfers is beyond remarkable.
Simple, fast, and private file sharing ✨

Angeline Tan
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Excellent open source platform, @oliverjumpertz! I'm a convert coz I believe in the power of community live chats for knowledge sharing and good banter!

Open-source audio chat on the web.

Angeline Tan
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Easy to use, amazing UI and open source - phenomenal factors! Good job guys!

Heroku that runs in your own cloud

Angeline Tan
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End user could begin downloading even while we're uploading the file, and a disappearing link - genius!
Simple, fast, and private file sharing ✨

Angeline Tan
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I've been practicing IF since 2017, most days 12-14 hours, some days 16-18 hours. I'd commit to memory what my last feeding time was every single night so having this app is super helpful! Not to mention the community aspect of togetherness and accountability. Great work @kevinrose @mike_maser! :)

Zero v3.0
Fasting made simple