Baba Aghayev

Baba Aghayev

Innovation, Technology, UX & AI.
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Baba Aghayev
Baba Aghayev
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SEO, as it requires lots of dedication in these days. If I see any company website in Top 5 Google Results without any ads, it tells me a lot.
What marketing channels (social media, email, ads, word of mouth) influence your decisions the most?
Baba Aghayev
Baba Aghayev
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DMCC Free Zone through Astrolabs program in Dubai, UAE.
Where is the best place to register a company if your startup has a lot of income?
Baba Aghayev
Baba Aghayev
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Eagles are always alone. The best option is hanging out with other eagles - other solopreneurs.
Business Marketing with Nika
Solopreneurs, how do you manage "loneliness" in business?
Business Marketing with Nika
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