

Founder, Lentil | Building and growing
176 points
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congrats, team!!!!
Earth API
Earth API
Earth's data, now.
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congrats on the launch!! really great work
Printable Chore Chart for Kids
Print ready and customizable chore chart, download for free
Drag-and-drop your staple media type to share in your video or audio calls.
Decorate and set up your space for all kinds of occasions whether a work meeting or your late-night hangout.
Sprout is a place to co-create, co-work, or just chill together.
Sprout 1.0
Video chat, take notes, browse - a workspace for your calls
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woooohooo! congrats on the 2.0 launch!
Kinopio 2.0
Kinopio 2.0
Spatial thinking for new ideas and hard problems
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Where do you blog nowadays, or in the past?

Do you still blog, and if so, on where? It feels like a lot of folks hand-make their websites now if they want to blog. (I have my own website hosted on GitHub) For more self-serve options, it seems like we have: Tumblr, Wordpress, Blogger, Medium, Weebly, Neocities(!) I kind of miss the blog-o-sphere, and blog rings, wishing that there are more of them.
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Congrats on the launch!
Napkin Beta
Backend in the browser
Easy units is the only plugin for converting your Figma frame dimensions into physical units — in, cm, ft, and rem.
Easy Units for Figma
Easy Units for Figma
Convert your shapes from pixels to inches, rem, cm, and ft.
Self-quaranting is invisible.
By putting a mask on your profile pic indicating you are staying home, you can be an example to your friends and family.
If you are willing to add a mask to your profile pic, please visit:
Social Distancing Works
Self-quarantine by adding a mask to our profile pic
Do you smile when you see cute images of animals? This text bot will send you an animal image of your choice at a random time in the future!
Animal Text
Get a cute animal text on a random day
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Really wish the makers featured here aren't 100% guys
Discover the web homes of the people who build the internet
+1 comment
Convert your are.na channel into a slideshow to share with anyone! If you dont know Are.na it's a visual organization tool that help you to save content, create collections, and connect ideas with other people.
Convert your are.na channel into a slideshow to share!
💬 Sometimes we spend more time picking what to read rather than reading.
With Tiny Text, simply select topics that interest you, and receive an article to read on-the-go every week!
Tiny Text
Tiny Text
A weekly article sent via sms, on topics of your choice