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Business Marketing with Nika
Home office. I have a quiet environment, so I can concentrate on what I do.
Ruben Boonzaaijer
Which is more productive for you: working from home or the office?
Ruben Boonzaaijer
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Business Marketing with Nika
Business Marketing with Nika
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What is the open rate and click-through rate for your newsletter? And other metrics

According to several sources, the good open rate of the email should be somewhere between 15 % – 30 % (when you have 50 %, it is a success πŸ˜€). A good email click-through rate is anything above 3%. An average email CTR is 1-5%. Also, a lot depends on the number of subscribers you have. There's also a good number for unsubscribe rate – 0.5%. I am doing my mini-research. Can you share...
Business Marketing with Nika
Congratulations! I hit the notify me button.
Uladzislau Rymasheuski
200 day streakπŸ”₯ Guess what's the best way to celebrate?
Uladzislau Rymasheuski
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