Denis Leonov

Denis Leonov

Software Engineer and Indiehacker
92 points
Jot & PasteAI-driven domain classification
All activity
Denis Leonov
Denis Leonov
left a comment
Great product, I will definitely need to check it out. Good luck!
Ship your app in days, not weeks (from ex-๏ฃฟ Engineer)
Denis Leonov
Analyze your team's web browser activity and get detailed insights into core time metrics and essential productivity reports.
Automatic browser web time tracking
Denis Leonov
Use AI to classify 10,000+ top domains into 40 total categories. Each known domain receives a weighted score in up to 3 categories and an overall productivity score. Get achievements for each domain you check. Can you collect all categories?
AI-driven domain classification
AI-driven domain classification
Simple and free popular domain classification made by AI
Denis Leonov
Denis Leonov
left a comment
Great extension! Clean UI and excellent productivity features. Good luck!
Manganum Sidebar
Manganum Sidebar
Your favorite productivity apps inย 1 click on any Chrome tab
Denis Leonov
The fastest way to jot down a note, get and paste it anywhere. Keyboard-oriented desktop application for quick notes and seamless paste. Use Jot & Paste for your, message templates, greetings, signatures, todos, queries, and any often-used text.
Jot & Paste
Jot & Paste
Keyboard-oriented desktop app for fast note-taking and paste
Denis Leonov
Denis Leonov
left a comment
To find extra time to validate and build the product if you have a full-time job :D
Ilya Novohatskyi
What are your biggest struggles as a founder when starting a new project?
Ilya Novohatskyi
Join the discussion
Denis Leonov
Denis Leonov
left a comment
Great idea! Please keep going adding more materials!
The history of UI
The history of UI
A visual gallery of how user interfaces have evolved
Denis Leonov
Denis Leonov
left a comment
Great product! Good luck!
Explore profitable micro-startups around the globe
Denis Leonov
Denis Leonov
left a comment
Great! Makers will appreciate this project.
Coming Soon Kit
50+ coming soon pages built with Tailwind CSS
Denis Leonov is a tool to quickly design keyboard shortcut images for your docs or app tutorials. It has a set of keycaps designs and lets you download the results as .png or .jpg. You just need to press or type a shortcut you want to display and that's it.
Design shortcut keys image for your project docs or tutorial
Denis Leonov
AboutNumber API returns info about all dividers, numeral sum, primality, numeral base conversion, number hashes, prime factorization, time duration, byte size, Fibonacci, words representation, etc.
There are more than 50 facts explored for every number!
AboutNumber API
AboutNumber API
Interesting mathematical facts about integer number
Denis Leonov
The Clipboard History Pro is the most popular clipboard manager for your Chrome browser. It saves every text you copied, manages clipboard history and helps you with daily copy-paste routines.
Clipboard History Pro
Clipboard History Pro
Clipboard manager extension for your Chrome browser