Ilya Pukhov

Ilya Pukhov

$200K Founder, Marketplace PM w 25m DAU
46 points
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Ilya Pukhov
Ilya Pukhov
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Looks like a great idea, will check it out.
Biz ideas + content in under 60 seconds with AI
Ilya Pukhov
Ilya Pukhov
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That is just mind blowing
AR Copy Paste - Capture and transfer anything around you
Ilya Pukhov
Ilya Pukhov
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Would you guys have access to my calls?
Call Recorder for Whatsapp
Call Recorder for Whatsapp
Call Recorder is able to detect WhatsApp calls automatically
Ilya Pukhov
Student Emotions helps e-learning companies make their classes better by understanding in-class emotions of their students. As collateral, that increases LTV therefore unlocking higher CAC, which helps great schools reach even more students.
Student Emotions Detector
Detect in-class emotions of students for online schools.