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  • Hasan Mahmood

    Hasan Mahmood

    Developing ConnectGenie AI
    12 points
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    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    I would say Chatgpt :D
    What's the one app you can't live without in your daily workflow? πŸ’‘
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    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    Love the idea of Toypal, it can help reduce the screen time for kids. Best of luck for the launch!
    An AI powered device and app that brings soft toys to life
    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    I dont think so
    Do you think AI-generated content is safe for kids?
    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    Looking forward to the launch!!!
    Bilal Asif
    Launch Day Count Down : 18 Days to go ⏳
    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    Eating clean and working out.
    Bilal Asif
    If your future self could thank you for one healthy habit you start today, what would it be?
    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    Hybrid. Some days in office while some days WFH.
    Patryk Pijanowski
    Office or work from home?
    Patryk Pijanowski
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    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    watching a movie or listening to podcast
    What’s your go-to comfort activity when you’ve had a rough day?
    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    Set clear boundries and priorotize you tasks
    Hetvi Dharshandia
    What are some tips for managing work-life balance?
    Hetvi Dharshandia
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    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    Bilal Asif
    Celebrating 200 Followers & a 29-Day Streak! πŸŽ‰ Let's grow together.
    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    High paying
    Ivany Wardhana
    Would you choose a high-paying job you dislike or a lower-paying job you love?
    Ivany Wardhana
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    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    Duolingo, Chatgpt, ConnectGenie AI
    Two Heads
    Best paid apps that you use on a daily/weekly basis?
    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    Saving vs Investing. What do you think?
    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    Timeblocking has been a game-changer for me
    Kacy Boone ❇️
    What calendar management tips or hacks have made you more productive?
    Kacy Boone ❇️
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    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    I would like to spend it my family and friends
    Business Marketing with Nika
    If you knew you had 1 day off in your life, how would you spend it (other than working)? πŸ™‚
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    Hasan Mahmood
    Hasan Mahmood
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    Favorite part of my day is going to th gym early morning
    Harshu thaheed
    What is your favorite part of the day?
    Harshu thaheed
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